Seriously, being a kicker sucks. You get like 2-3 chances a game to prove your worth. You are basically expected to make every single kick or else everyone hates you. And last, but not least, you pretty much only play when the game is on the line. Those negatives easily outweigh the positives of being on the football team despite any real athletic talent. Being paid to be a kicker is one thing, doing it for an insignificant college football team like UMass is another.
When something like this happens you just have to hurt for the guy. Don't get me wrong. This celebration is a 15 out of 10 on the hilarious scale. The presence of mind to hug the kicker is uncanny. Also, it's probably the most disrespectful thing you can do on a football field. That kicker just missed an absolute chip shot to tie the game. Easily already contemplating if he is going to bathe with a toaster that night and then this 7 foot monster from the other team comes to give him a hug. That's what is happening here right? Either the defensive player is 7'3 or UMass has an affirmative action policy for midgets in the athletic program. Just absolutely towering over him. Not that a kicker with average height would have the nuts on him to fight back when being hugged by an absolute behemoth, but definitely not this little guy. He just has to stand there and take the hug like a bitch. It's not like any of the teammates he just let down are going to come to his aid. Meanwhile, you know as this happens he is saying to himself, "No one fucking cares about UMass football, but I'm going to be all over the internet anyway cause of this asshole". How many people would see this missed kick other wise? Just unbelievably, hilariously degrading. Poor guy… P.S. Does he have to quit the team now? This is the only thing I know about UMass football. Is that their kicker gets hugged after he blows games. It would have to get tiresome to have people bringing it up every single week, no?
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January 2020