A 14 Year Old In Seattle Is Suing The Goverment For Not Doing Enough To Combat Global Warming11/3/2015 The Star- They can’t vote yet, but dozens of young people want a say in the planet’s future, so minors nationwide have been suing states and the federal government in recent years to push action on climate change.
They say their generation will bear the brunt of global warming and that government at every level has an obligation to protect natural resources, including the atmosphere, as a “public trust” for future generations. “None of them have gotten to the finish line,” said Michael Gerrard, a professor and director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University. “It’s an uphill climb. The U.S. courts have so far not wanted to set climate policy.” Other experts say it’s unclear how a state can combat a global problem. “We’re the ones who have to live with it if the oceans are acidic and the planet is 5 degrees warmer,” said Gabriel Mandell, 13, an eighth-grader and plaintiff in the case. “The snowpack is melting. Ocean is acidifying. The Earth is warming. Everything that can go wrong is going wrong, and we need to fix it.” Gabriell. Of course his name is Gabriell. It's like his parents gave him no choice but to grow up to become a teenage environmental activist. I guess the Pacific Northwest is really getting their hipsters started early out there, huh? Will someone take this kid back to the tree that he calls home. Either that or find him some sexually uninhibited, post-pubuscent girl to "hug" instead. Hey Gabe, the sooner you grow up and start ignoring the well being of the environment the better. Grow some hair on your balls and just start hoping that you die before the world becomes inhabitable like a real adult. Trust me, you're much more likely to find peace of mind doing that than by suing the government to change the climate. I have heard of some pretty good frivolous lawsuits in my day, but that one just about takes the cake. Boo hoo, the snow is melting and the Earth is getting five degrees warmer. Last time I checked snow is a son of a bitch to deal with and everyone likes the summer better anyway. Just because you live in Seattle and your only season is flood season doesn't mean you have to ruin this whole global warming thing for the rest of us. Just avoid moving to Florida at any point in your life and you might just learn to love it. Either that or turn your attention to women, booze, and drugs because you got a better chance of being satisfied by any of those than the results of your lawsuit against the weather. P.S. Gabriell is just upset because his lack of melanin makes Harry Potter look like he's fresh off the set of the 'Jersey Shore', right? Someone get this kid acclimated to light because global warming is coming and no amount of legal action from a 14 year old ghost is going to stop it. Kid's basically a vampire that's trying to sue the sun. It's like SuperMan trying to ban kryptonite. Get this kid out of here before he encourages more people to start worrying about silly things like the future of this planet.
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