Look, I fully admit that I occasionally live in my own little bubble where I narcissistically believe that the things that matter to should matter to everyone else. This isn't one of those times, because I can theoretically understand that not every local, on-scene traffic reporter is a sports fan. I can't, on the other hand, comprehend that this guy was familiar enough with football to have Adrian Peterson's name immediately register with him, but couldn't identify his insanely recognizable face or the chiseled body of someone who only fits the physical profiles of an otherworldly NFL running back or the first black Greek god. I know some people are verbal learners, but knowing who Adrian Peterson is and not being able to pinpoint him when he's speaking to you from two feet away is just plain odd - in every sense of the word. More importantly, how annoyed must AP have been by this entire interaction? As a star in professional sports he's used to being inconvenienced by irrelevant lines of questioning, but he also understands that being affable to everyone but his children (sorry, had to) is part of the job description. For that reason, Adrian Peterson the public figure was probably fine with being stopped to have some air-filling conversation about road rage. Hell, it's likely that the subject matter being pissed off people in traffic was a breathe of fresh air to a guy whose professional future is in complete flux. However, having his day interrupted by someone that viewed him as a random citizen? That had to suck. Finding out after the fact that he could have very easily just declined this interview without being labeled a dickhead by the internet and realizing he unknowingly inserted himself into yet another photo-op? It's probably just because I am anti-social and putting far too much thought into this, but I can't think of a more aggravating scenario. The last thing a famous running back who is constantly having their day disturbed by hundreds of people looking at him like he's fucking 'Bigfoot' needs is a chance encounter/nuisance with a guy, his television camera, and an awkwardly non-visual knowledge of the NFL.
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January 2020