Mirror- "Here's the short version: A mother called the police after my son and her daughter collided in a playground accident. That really happened. He's 3," she explains.
"I ran over to find two children sobbing hysterically, a little girl and my son. "A woman sitting nearby volunteered, "I saw the whole thing! They ran into each other. They're both just scared." I gathered my son into my arms and comforted him, telling him it was OK, that it was an accident. "I didn't mean to knock her over," he sobbed. He then repeatedly tried to apologize to the little girl and her mother, who ignored him." Emily says she asked the girl's mother if she was okay and the other mum announced: "Your son hit my daughter. I called the police." Luckily when the police turned up the officers realised it was an accident and there was no crime committed. Emily has been left "furious, and I'm scared. My black son just had his first police interaction at age 3." Annnnnd this is why we we keep breeding pussies. Remember the good old days when you would fall down, scrap your knee, your mom would tell you it would be alright, and ten minutes later you would be out there playing again? My, how times have changed. Now we can't even let children do children shit without the authorities being notified. What do you think the cops first reaction was when he showed up? They should have cops carry frying pans in their police cruiser and whenever a citizen wastes their time with a bogus accusation then they get one swift whack to the back of the head with a Kenmore. Bet that will cut down on the amount of times law enforcement has to get involved because people are irrationally protective of their children. How is it possible that we have started to over-baby babies? Kids learn things by hurting themselves. One time I grabbed a lit lightbulb when I was a young lad and burnt the hell out of my hand. Think I have grabbed another lightbulb since? I'll tell you what definitely didn't happen. My parents didn't file some ridiculous law suit against the light bulb manufacturer. Probably because they realized that giving birth to an infant means that you have to raise a clumsy little idiot that is going to do dumb things from time to time. For instance, maybe he recklessly runs around a park and bumps into another three year old. I would think it would be unspoken agreement between parents that it was probably the fault of both children, but God forbid a parent in 2015 ever admits that their child is anything but at innocent little angel. Like how much of an out-of-touch sociopath do you have to be to turn down a three year old's apology? How much of a lunatic do you have to be to not realize at any point during the confrontation that you just called the police on someone that just stopped shitting themselves a couple months ago? Yes, the kid that knocked down your daughter is an out of control brat...but so is your stupid daughter that is being ruined by her loose cannon of a mother. P.S. Not sure if I agree with this woman playing the race card, but I will say that I have never seen a white three year old get an apology denied. So take that for what it's worth.
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January 2020