A New Jersey Woman Has Been Arrested For Killing A Man By Injecting Silicone Into His Penis11/10/2015 CBS- An East Orange, New Jersey woman was sentenced to five years in prison Monday, after admitting to causing the death of a man by injecting silicone into his penis.
Kasia Rivera, 38, was sentenced Monday by Superior Court Judge John Zunic in Newark, according to the Essex County Prosecutor’s office. She received credit for 228 days she has already served at the Essex County Jail. Rivera admitted in September to delivering the silicone injection that killed Justin Street, 22, in May 2011. “This woman had no business injecting anyone with anything,’’ Assistant Prosecutor William Neafsey, who handled the case, was quoted in a news release. Authorities say Street went to Rivera’s home so she could inject his penis with silicone, which he hoped would enlarge it. Street’s death was ruled a homicide following an investigation and a medical examiner’s determination that Street died of silicone embolism. Rivera acknowledged that she wasn’t a trained doctor or licensed to administer the injection. Is it possible that our surreal expectations of the size of African American genitalia are having a negative effect on the black community? I'm serious. I'm an average white dude that's appropriately endowed given my skin color. I have no problem with my penis size. I acknowledge that it's not going to make any eyes bulge or mouthes water. I am not ready to put it on display at a sex museum or anything, but I am certainly not embarrassed by it. That's where the disconnect comes in, because if a black guy woke up with my penis he would put every round from a revolver from the front through the back of his brain. If you need anymore evidence of that than look at this fairly handsome, African American male who let Cindy Crawford's black, heroin addicted cousin inject silicone into his dick. Think about how dire the circumstances must have been for this guy to stare into this zombie-looking bitch's eyes and 'okay' her taking a needle to his junk. The saddest part? This guy, may he Rest In Peace, probably had a bigger dick than every white person reading this, but he's now dead because society's assumptions of black girth have become unattainable. Black women are out there wondering why white women are taking all their men and the answer is simple. The average black dick is worthy of worship from a white woman, but it's business as usual for a black woman. You need a goddamn muscular baby arm to impress an African American lady these days, and it's not even their fault. It's that we, as a people, keep adding gas to the big black dick fire. You have the rapper Game throwing up instagram photos looking like he's smuggling a boa constrictor in his compression shorts, and it's making even the most confident black man insecure. Nothing speaks to that like than this guy giving his life for just one extra inch on a penis that was more than likely already pretty intimidating. It's not just black lives that matter people, it's black dicks as well, and we are killing them one irrational presumption at a time.
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January 2020