USAToday- A lawyer for the man accused of shooting Will Smith says a witness saw the retired football star with a gun the night he died.
During a news conference Wednesday, John Fuller questioned assertions earlier Wednesday by Smith’s lawyer that Smith did not brandish his weapon during the altercation with Cardell Hayes. After police had earlier reported confiscating one weapon at the scene, Fuller suggested that another weapon was at the scene. Wednesday he questioned how his client would have known about another weapon if “someone didn’t brandish that firearm?” When asked whether witnesses had seen a gun in Smith’s possession during the night of the shooting, Fuller said: “At least one, yes.” Hayes is accused of shooting Smith and his wife during an altercation Saturday night. You sure that's the story you want to go with John Fuller? That a witness saw Will Smith with not just one, but possibly multiple guns on his person? The guy that got shot EIGHT times in the back was a waving a pistol around for all to see in the middle of the night before turning his back on the guy he was threatening with it? Are we just going to throw a bunch of shit against the wall to see what sticks, because that story sounds like it would hold up for about 16 seconds during an interrogation. I don't know much about brandishing a gun, but I do know that if you do it you should probably be facing the person you intend to shoot with it. The only way this makes sense is if the two men squared up with guns in hand in the middle of the street then Will Smith thought they agreed not to shoot each and went back to his car to get unceremoniously pelleted with a full chamber. Sure, sounds logical. That happens all the time. People always get nose-to-nose when they have firearms, and passerbys always stand curbside and calmly pay attention to every detail of public gun fights. Who is this witness, John McClane? Just not at all phased by deadly weapons or gunfire? This is so disgusting. So stupid. Dragging the reputation of a dead man through the dirt to make your moronic client with an incurably itchy trigger finger sound like his actions were reasonable, but not so much so as drawing a believable picture of the scene to do so? What's next? Will Smith's wife - who this dickhead also shot - was carrying a rocket launcher? This poor mountain of a man felt so defenseless against a guy that was looking the other way. Sound the violin, woe is the coward that shot ten bullets at a vulnerable man and unarmed wife. I have become so sick of discussing these stories, and it's mainly because everything out of the mouth of the defense makes little to no sense.
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January 2020