CBC- When Josie Candito discovered an auto business had posted a billboard mocking women drivers, she was shocked and upset. So the Toronto auto repair shop owner posted her own sign to fight back. "I had to stand up for women," she said. Last week, the sign at a used car dealership, Mellish Motors in New Annan, P.E.I., read: "Women Are Like Snowflakes. They Can't Drive." Now, outside Candito's shop, Master Mechanic, the billboard reads, "Mellish Motors … My Canada Includes Respect for Women! #Womencandrive." Candito said she posted the message to remind Mellish Motors that "it's 2016 and women are respected. We deserve more than to be treated like that." Many people were offended by Mellish's billboard, which quickly circulated on social media. "It's sexist and offensive," posted one woman on Facebook. "It gives the impression that it's okay to dismiss a whole gender," wrote another. "It's potentially damaging," added someone else. Shame on you 'Mellish Motors', shame on you. Women can drive. Women can do anything. They just really fucking suck at some of them. Like driving for instance. Nothing wrong with that. Men can't express themselves emotionally. You want to make a sign that makes light of that through the guise of a joke then have at it. Just make sure it's funny, or I'll be really offended. Josie is right, however, this joke isn't completely factual. I would bet a pretty penny that more women can drive then snowflakes. What would make you fee better Josie? A sign that read "Women aren't like snowflakes...because they can drive, but most of them aren't very proficient at it"? While that would be more accurate, it would be far less funny, and come across way more crass. Oh well, Josie wants politically correct then we'll give her politically correct. Women -as a whole- are better behind the wheel than snowfall. Pretty sure that's what we call a compliment. Is it completely tone deaf to post a sign that insults half of your clientele? Yes, of course it is. It's still pretty funny -to me anyway- but that doesn't make it a smart business move. That's why the right course of action wasn't to run around in circles screaming, frantically waving your arms, and claiming sexism. The right course of action was to drive on by with a smile on your face because you just gained business simply by unlocking your doors and flipping the plastic sign to 'Open'. Instead you let your sensitivity get the best of you, and you turned this into gender war. Not exactly the savviest move considering a majority of your customers are undoubtedly male. Here's a little pro tip: As much as a "women can't drive" joke turns off women, a "please, please, please respect women (insert stupid hashtag here)" sign is just as much of a turnoff to men. As a matter of fact, fuck both these shitty auto shops. I would rather get extorted at 'Pep Boys'. P.S. Don't worry guys, problem solved... Nailed it.
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January 2020