An Unlicensed Driver Killed A Man Going 142 MPH, But At Least He Got A Sweet Snapchat Of It5/28/2015 Yorkshire- A motorist who sped through a red light and killed another driver had boasted about clocking 142mph on a motorway journey to Leeds. Addil Haroon, 19, took a photograph of the speedometer while racing on the M62 and sent it in a Snapchat message to a friend which read: “Leeds to Rochdale 11 mins, catch me.” In the early hours of the next day, November 9 last year, Haroon drove his Audi A6 hire car through a red light in Bury Road, Rochdale, at more than 80mph and collided with an Audi A5 driven by 25-year-old Joseph Brown-Lartey. Mr Brown-Lartey was pronounced dead at the scene of the incident at the junction of Sandy Lane. The impact of the crash was so severe that Mr Brown-Lartey’s vehicle was split in two and police said experienced traffic officers described it as the worst accident scene they had dealt with. Today, Haroon, of Essex Street, Rochdale, was jailed at Manchester Minshull Street Crown for six years, said police, after he pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to causing death by dangerous driving and driving without a licence or insurance. The only bigger crime than snapchatting when you are driving is lying via snapchat when you are driving. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it might take you a little more than 11 minutes to get to Rochdale. Maybe the arresting officer will do you a favor and swing through town on the way to your lifetime in prison. If there was any justice in this world the deceased would be able to send him a snapchat from beyond the grave that just said "caught ya". Hey, I value my life too much to risk it on saving 10 minutes on a single car trip, but to each their own. Would it have killed you to send that snapchat before you put the key in the ignition though? I know it killed someone else when you did it after. I guess it really wouldn't have had the same affect without '142 MPH' in the background. People may criticize this kid, but those people clearly don't know the value of a solid snapchat these days. If someone has to die and Addil has to spend his entire life in prison just so his friends and acquaintances don't have to be subjected to the another 8 second video of him playing with his cat then so be it. I mean, I'm talking about it right now, so you can't say the kid didn't get his 5 seconds of fame. I'll you what, this kid may deserve to die. He may be the scum of earth, and a complete waste of perfectly good sperm. However, you can't say he didn't find quite the loophole. Can't lose your license if you don't have one to begin with. It's like playing a super long game of pickup basketball. Your points don't really count if there is no legitimate way to keep score. If you are going to commit two completely hazardous moving violations and two criminal offenses at the same time you might as well barrel into the side of a car. That's the fastest way for people to forget about the speeding ticket, the cell phone ticket, the driving without a license ticket and the driving without insurance ticket. You may be spending your life behind bars, but you're doing so having gotten away with four other crimes. All things considered those aren't the worst odds in the world. Hopefully that track record serves you well in the showers, but I wouldn't count on it. At least he has experience driving stick.
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