Ariana Grande Proclaims She Hates America Then Pulls Out Of Performing At The MLB All Star Game7/8/2015 FOX News- Pop princess Ariana Grande has pulled out of this weekend’s free All-Star Game concert. Major League Baseball has “one less problem” without her.
Video caught Grande making disparaging comments about the United States on the Fourth of July while waiting to buy donuts. She also appears to lick a donut, to the delight or disgust of its eventual owner, sitting on the shop’s counter. “I hate Americans,” Grande loudly tells her boyfriend. “I hate America.” I think I just witnessed the most hypocritical minute of film since the last Republican national convention, or just about any recorded minute of religious broadcasting. All things considered, licking donuts that you don't plan on buying, because you are a celebrity and don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself is the most American thing a person of power can possibly do. Never mind doing so on, or directly after, 4th of July weekend. Listen, I know this was probably said in jest, but there is AT LEAST a 3 day window before and after the 4th of July when you can't even make an anti-American joke. You can't criticize the country that made you famous so close to the day that we celebrate said country's existence. Especially moments after you break every fucking social contract that exists in society by licking things that aren't yours. I'm sure most people would gladly eat a donut that Ariana Grande's fine ass licked. However, I don't know know where that tongue has been, though it's a safe assumption it's been to the bottom of Big Sean's balls and back. Call me a prude but unless it resides under my waistline I don't want Arian Grande putting her filthy tongue on any object that gives me pleasure. Genius move to drop out of performing at the All Star game too. Might want to switch up that PR team sweetheart. You play off a silly comment made in a donut shop as a joke, and people just might believe that it was a silly comment made in a donut shop. You turn around and decide not to grace the biggest stage of America's pastime and people start to wonder whether or not you harbor resentment for the country that made you who you are. I am sure almost everyone of us has said that we hate Americans at some point, and while it probably wasn't taken seriously or caught on camera, we didn't let it interfere with living our sweet American lives. Saying you hate America then not showing up to an engagement America takes pride in is like accepting your friend's wedding invitation before denouncing her in public and pulling a no-show. You had your chance to prove otherwise and you failed miserably. While I still wouldn't mind bending her over the barrel and showing her the 50 states, I would make sure I was looking at the American flag with my hand over my heart as I did it.
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