Hate. A word I am all too familiar with. I hate a lot of things. Shit, I hate a lot of people. Definitely hate more people than I like, without question. That's part of the reason I like sports. A small part, but a part none the less. The ability to irrationally hate people I don't know comes along being a sports fan. It's what rivalries are founded on. It's what makes the wins more special, and the defeats more gut wrenching. Watching what used to be the most heated rivalry in all of sports turn into a mushy love fest over the weekend made me absolutely sick. I have made my feelings on Jeter known. In short, great player that does not deserve anywhere close to the dick kissing the entire league is giving him. Boston not only honored Jeter (a concept I have no issue with) but they all but held a parade through the city for him. Bringing out Boston greats and the like, you would have thought it was a retirement ceremony for one of their own. I get why it is was done. Fenway Jeter shirts increase profit. All sports franchises are greedy and money hungry. More so in baseball where, in a salary cap free league, that money can be put directly towards the success of the franchise. I don't like it, but I get it. Red Sox fans giving him a standing ovation and sporting Jeter shirts is where I draw the line though. Have some self respect. Booing Jeter sends the same damn message. People don't boo bad players. They should have stood on their seats and booed the loudest any fan base has ever booed. That would have been the ultimate sign of respect to what Derek has accomplished over the course of a storied career. This is why I am not a baseball fan. Too many 'unwritten rules'. Too much respect for the game. When did baseball become golf? America's game my ass. As Americans we constantly bicker, and hate, and shit all over each other. That's why football is really America's game. You think Boston is throwing a parade for that mouth breather Eli Manning anytime soon? Fuck. And. No. Hockey? You think Lou Lamoriello would ever put the name of a legendary New York Rangers player on a product being sold in the Prudential Center? The concept of either is absolutely laughable. I want to celebrate the accomplishments of 'my' players and my players only. When Mark Messier retired and subsequently cried I was laughing so hard that I cried along with him. When Henrik Lundqvist retires I will probably throw a kegger in my backyard and piss on clothing that bears his name. That's what rivalries are about. I checked the pulse. The Red Sox/Yankees rivalry is DOA. It's a damn shame too. Watching the Red Sox win 4 straight in 2004 and breaking the hearts of Yankee fans everywhere was about as much fun as I have had watching a sport I don't care about. Have the championships let Boston forget the years of pain Jeter and the Yankees were responsible for? It's like throwing an engagement party for your ex wife. People call me a Jeter hater and I understand why. Jeter, however, is not one of the many people I irrationally hate. I am just over saturated with this retirement bullshit. It's not the person I hate, it is the situation. Jeter has done nothing for Boston. NOTHING. So, excuse me for thinking they owe him NOTHING in return. Rest In Peace Red Sox/Yankees. I'll never forget…. Now we get selfies and Boston Jeter shirts. Fuck 2014.
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January 2020