Cam Heyward Was Fined By NFL For Honoring His Late Father, A Cancer Victim, With His Eye-Black10/14/2015
Come on guys, let's take it easy on the NFL. They are a multibillion dollar organization, after all. They can't be expected to make time to study the validity of each dress code violation on a case by case basis. First you have DeAngelo Williams wanting to wear pink in November to honor his mother that lost her life to breast cancer. Yeah, that's right, NOVEMBER, the month AFTER 'Breast Cancer Awareness' month. Can you believe the gall that it took to even ask? Now you have Cam Heyward thinking he can show respect to his late father that passed away from cancer by writing his nickname across his own face. Hey Cam, that face of yours belongs to the NFL buddy. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Should have just thrown on some pink cleats and saved yourself a couple thousand dollars.
Jesus Christ, how many fucking people are going to succumb to cancer? Soon they are going to want us to dedicate a whole month to them or something! Look how fast these violations are piling up! The NFL is going to have an entire manila folder full by the time the oft-underwhelming, rarely entertaining, always profitable Thursday night game rolls around. Do you now how long it would take the NFL to fact check all these stories to make sure they are legitimate? With the amount of time they have to spend pumping out new pink merchandise before October ends and figuring out the subtle placement of all their alcohol sponsorships, the answer is too long. Acknowledging cancer victims is only commendable when it involves selling pink hats and t-shirts that have the NFL insignia on them. Sure, these players may have had the right intentions, but the NFL doesn't have time to concern themselves with things that don't put money directly in their pocket. Not fining players is decidedly unprofitable and thus not an option when it comes to good natured gestures that honor the people that have past before us.
Hey Cam, if we could offer a suggestion....
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