Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, we're free at last!!! Maybe a Martin Luther King Jr. quote is a little deep for the topic at hand, but by golly does it feel right. How Peter Harrold has remained on this team for so long I will never know. I half expect he is in some way related to head coach Peter Deboer. Like, It's very possible he was born Peter Harrold Deboer Jr. Actually kind of has a ring to it. Yup, just convinced myself that this situation is actually true. Pete is Pete's son, without question. Makes far too much sense.
I don't really have anything against Peter Harrold, other than the fact that he is not very good. In fact, my main issue with Peter Harrold has nothing to do with him at all. My main issue is that his head coach had an obsession with him. As a 7th defenseman he was fine. That's what he should have been. That's what he was retained to be. However, once last season started he was playing over 4th overall selection Adam Larsson and a cast of other better candidates. Not only did he play far too often, but he played in far too many situations. I don't need the turnover machine with a very low ceiling of offensive potential playing the point on the power play. Thanks, but no thanks. I guess I will kind of miss getting fired up pre game over the lineup decisions. It kind of gave me a little emotional jolt before puck drop. On second thought, I won't miss it. I won't miss it at all. Peter Harrold got blamed for far more than he deserved to, based on my passionate hatred for his playing time. For that, I apologize. You were blessed with a role that your talent could not match. Don't all athletes wish that were the case. Anyway, Peter, hopefully you catch on somewhere else that is not New Jersey. I wish you a lifetime of happiness and turnovers, preferably on to the sticks of Devils' players.
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January 2020