Dwyane Wade Defended The Heat's 2006 Championship Against All Their Naysayers...10 Years Later6/20/2016
There's alot of coverage on the 2006 NBA Finals right now...One because it was the most controversial finals to date and today makes exactly 10 years to the date we won our first ever title as an organization and me as a player. It was one of the greatest moments in my life and probably one of the worst for the Dallas Mavericks. That's sports... we've all had our moments to feel both ways. Now what I'm reading about the series is unfair to me as a basketball player. Did I get some calls that I could have played through YES. We all do...but was I attacking every time I touch the ball...YES. This picture is an example of a play in game 5 that everyone said I didn't get fouled on. Listen most athlete have never committed a foul but D Harris my guy...this is a foul haa. All in all we did find a way to beat a team that was a much better team then us that season...but they got their payback in 2011 as a franchise so in my mind it's a wash..but iam proud to take a look back at these moments and say I had a hand in us winning our first ever championship. #2006
They say you learn something new everyday, and today we learned that Dwyane Wade is shockingly insecure about the legitimacy of the Miami Heat's championship a decade ago. I know that sounds crazy, but what are the other alternatives? I spend more time scouring the internet for bullshit opinions than anyone else I know and I haven't seen one damn person - other than guy defending it - mention a series that was played when Shaquille O'Neal was still able to get up and down a basketball court without a defibrillator. I recall watching those games and I don't even remember the officiating being as big of a deal as it was this postseason. However, if Dwyane Wade felt threatened enough to rebuke claims of chicanery then I have no choice but to think the David Stern era was once again well at work. Honestly though, where could this outburst have stemmed from? I feel like he had a couple friends over for Game 7 last night and they were throwing back beers and busting each other's balls. The asshole of the group probably said "Damn Dwyane, now LeBron has more valid rings than you" and it ate at him all night until he felt compelled to pick one picture of one foul to fend off fictitious haters that stopped talking about the 2006 playoffs two weeks after they ended. Nothing NBA players despise more than having their championships called into question, and D-Wade is displaying a level of paranoia that is generally reserved for the morally uneasy. This Instagram post came off reading like a guy who drunkenly came across a picture of his ex-girlfriend on FaceBook years after they broke up and decided to call her to say "I swear to God I never cheated on you!" before abruptly hanging up. It's just a whole hell of a lot more believable if you don't immediately jump on the defensive when the offense took their ball and went home ages ago. Okay Dwyane, whatever you say man. The only championship you won without LeBron is genuine. Does that make you feel better? It doesn't make me feel any better because I instantly became exponentially more skeptical of the authenticity of that statement once you came out of the clouds to safeguard it from non-existent opposition. Dwyane Wade couldn't look more guilty of being the beneficiary of biased officiating if he tried, and no one has accused him of that since 'Pirates Of The Caribbean 2' hit theaters.
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