Florida Woman Arrested After Going On The Run With Her Son To Avoid Court Ordered Circumcision5/19/2015 Gawker- The Florida mom who took her four-year-old son on the run for months after a court ordered her to have him circumcised has been arrested.
Heather Hironimus has been fighting over her son Chase’s foreskin in court for more than a year. When she split up with Chase’s dad, Dennis Nebus, in 2012, she signed a parenting agreement saying he could schedule a circumcision, but later changed her mind. A Florida court initially ordered the circumcision in May 2014, when Chase was 3. Hironimus was able to get an emergency order that delayed the procedure, but was finally ordered to go through with it in March of this year. Hironimus is currently suing Nebus and the judge who approved the circumcision, arguing that it’s not medically necessary and that Chase doesn’t want it. Jeffrey Gillen, the judge who issued the May 2014 ruling, based his decision on testimony from a pediatric urologist that circumcision lowers the risk of penile cancer and of AIDS. Intactivists don’t support “traumatic genital surgery,” even in newborns, claiming its health benefits are insignificant and it unnecessarily deprives baby boys of future sexual pleasure. So let me get this straight Florida, with all of the crazy stories that originate from that God-forsaken state circumcision is where we are going to draw the line? Anyway we can get a retroactive custody battle? I know the phrase is 'a mother knows best', but I don't think that phrase was created with penal health in mind. Sometimes Daddy has got to put his foot down and look out for the future of his child. Does this lady even know what she is arguing? She doesn't support traumatic genital surgery? The only thing more traumatic than taking a knife to a 3 year old's penis is the look that he gets from his first girlfriend when she pulls his underwear down to find his dick wearing a hoodie. Of course he doesn't want the surgery. He's 3. The only reason he is able to discuss this with you is because you have already failed as a parent. You are supposed to chop that thing off before he even has a say in the matter. The reason it's called foreskin is because you are supposed to get rid of it BEFORE it becomes a topic of debate. If you ask any child that can talk if he wants a medical procedure performed on his penis he is going to say no. Kid's hardly ever agree to take cough medicine, never mind have their manhood altered. Let me guess, this kid probably doesn't want to brush his teeth, be given shots at the doctors, or go to bed at a reasonable time either. That doesn't make him right. That's what parenting is. Making tough decisions for your children before they are old enough to do so for themselves. I know this may seem crazy, but sometimes 3 year old aren't the most informed people on the planet. Especially when they have a mother like you. I think I can speak for myself and a large majority of the general public that you can still have a successful and pleasurable sex life without having to perform under the hood maintenance on a bi-monthly basis. Maybe leave the dick decisions to those that have decades upon decades of hands-on experience in the field. The day that females have the final say on their child's dick should signal the day where men can start having the final say on abortions, and I don't think anyone wants that. P.S. How many foreskins have felt the wrath of this woman's mutilated fangs? Those teeth look like the picket fence at an abandoned house.
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