Guy Gets His Ass Kicked In The Club By 2 Female UFC Fighters After He Grabbed Their Friend's Ass6/1/2015 BJ Penn- “Dirtbag decides to sexually harass group of females. What he didn’t know was that 2 of the women were MMA fighters currently in the UFC.
While going out to a club in San Francisco, a malcontent male decided to cop a feel of a female entering the club. The female turned to her friend, current UFC fighter, Leslie Smith and exclaimed, “that guy just grabbed my a**”. Leslie approached the man and said, “hey you can’t do that” at which point the larger male responded, “f*** you I can do whatever I want” Leslie retorted, no muthaf***** you can’t” At this point the man became irate and spat on Leslie’s face. He then proceeded to take a punch at what he thought would be an indefensible woman. Wrong. Leslie ducked the punch and shot in for a takedown. She quickly got to the mans back and applied a choke but decided he needed some elbow strikes and punches to learn a valuable lesson. The man unable to fend off the better fighter, desperately grabbed at Leslie’s hair and in vain resorted to fighting like a girl. Approaching the melee was Leslie’s friend and Meisha Tate training partner, UFC fighter Heather Clark. Heather, without missing a beat, delivered a running soccer kick to the man’s nether regions. Leslie again achieved mount and delivered a series of elbows until the man, now having his face looking more like hamburger meat, yelled out that he was sorry and that he respected them. At this point Leslie disengaged and allowed the man to get up and go. He left having learned a valuable lesson and the women returned to the club” Strike 1: Grabbing random woman's ass in the club. Strike 2: Not admitting fault when you get called out on it. Strike 3: Spitting on a woman/throwing a punch at her. You sir, are out. Not like 'go sit down, you're up again in two innings' out. More like 'you probably shouldn't leave the house for a few weeks and you might never have children' out. How much trouble do you think this guy realized he was in once she ducked his punch? Generally speaking, a woman's first reaction isn't going to be to counter attack. Once that happens you know that she knows something that you don't know. Still following me? Well, some people just have to learn the hard way. Seriously though, has grabbing a woman's ass upon walking into a club ever worked in the history of gender relations? At least buy her a drink first dude. That will usually get her to turn the other cheek once you pinch the first one. Can't just come in guns-a-blazin' with out even a witty conversation starter. Furthermore, I have learned over the years that when you do something stupid the best way to handle it is to admit fault. I have never actually sexually assaulted a woman, but I assume it's a lot like lying. The deeper the hole you dig the more it inevitably hurts when you fall down it. I would say lying on your back in the club having a female UFC fighter punting your scrotum inside the opponents 5 is pretty much rock bottom. I think the most shocking part of this whole story is that it took spitting on this woman and throwing a punch to get a physical reaction. I guess you do have to be careful how you react in pubic situations when your limbs are considered deadly weapons, even if you are a female. Guess this just goes to show how much women really put up with during a night out. Lesson learned. If you want to play some grab ass with randoms in the club make sure you wear a cup....or just make sure she doesn't have the bash sisters with her....or, ya know....just don't. Never know when you might get literally and metaphorically emasculated.
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