Fox News- A complaint Friday alleged that Harvard University discriminates against Asian-American applicants by setting a higher bar for admissions than that faced by other groups.
The complaint, filed by a coalition of 64 organizations, says the university has set quotas to keep the numbers of Asian-American students significantly lower than the quality of their applications merits. It cites third-party academic research on the SAT exam showing that Asian-Americans have to score on average about 140 points higher than white students, 270 points higher than Hispanic students and 450 points higher than African-American students to equal their chances of gaining admission to Harvard. The exam is scored on a 2400-point scale. The complaint was filed with the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights. “Many studies have indicated that Harvard University has been engaged in systemic and continuous discrimination against Asian-Americans during its very subjective ‘Holistic’ college admissions process,” the complaint alleges. Oh shit, bet you didn't think checking those little ethnicity boxes would come back to haunt you, did you? Not that you even had to check it with a name like Sue Kim or William Chung. I know this may come as a surprise, but Harvard isn't hurting for Asian applicants. I know, I know, took me a back as well. Welcome to what it's like to be a white kid trying to attend a state school or a black kid trying to attend Howard. Affirmative action isn't just our problem now you yellow bellied bastards. Might be time to just call it quits and start up your own dry cleaners. You may be in the top 10% percent of applicants, but you're in the bottom 10% of Asian applicants and for the diversity that a college campus tries to maintain, that's just not going to cut it. The admissions process for Asian students is like the interview process for jewish accountants. They are just playing against themselves. Of course a white kid doesn't need the same SAT scores to get into a Ivy League school. If that were the case Yale would look like the IT department at Google. The only melting pot we would be referring to would be chalked full of General Tsao's chicken or sweet and sour sauce. Ever think that maybe Harvard isn't trying to get accused of running an internment camp? Thinking that there is an even playing field is like expecting a kid that suffers from dyslexia to get graded on the same scale in English class. Every other race is like the kid that was born from a drug addict mother and alcoholic father. It's not our fault we were genetically predisposed to being 400 SAT points inferior to Asians. Don't be mad Asians, be better. Asians getting upset about affirmative action is like the African American community getting upset that the MLB has found a virtual gold mine in Latin America. You can't embrace something when it benefits you and cry foul when a similar process leaves you obsolete. Maybe lower your standards a bit. You can still succeed as the dumb Asian, relatively speaking. Just enroll and in some shitty middle American college and tear that place a new asshole. Soon enough you'll be like the Jeremy Lin of higher learning. Why try to fit in at Harvard when you can stand out academically literally anywhere else? Better to set the curve than worry about it. Being asian and graduating from Harvard in the bottom half your class doesn't stand out on a resume nearly as well as the oriental valedictorian at Wichita State. Don't be such a walking stereotype and you won't have to worry about prejudice in the admissions office. You were born and raised with the college cheat codes, why do you need our help to get to the next level? If there's two Asians, somebody has got to finish second...
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January 2020