How Happy Do You Think This Woman Was To Kick The Bucket Before A New President Was Elected?5/13/2016 "Hey Grandma, what do you want us to put in your obituary?" "Oh, I don't know. I used to ride horses, but now I spend most of my time sewing together these damn pillows until my arthritis acts up, and...wait...have you guys tried this pasta casserole? It's delicious! Anyway, don't forget that thing I said about Trump or I'll haunt you from beyond the grave!" May this old woman rest in peace, and may we take solace in the fact that she had accepted death by the time she inevitably passed away. What put her at ease, you ask? No, it wasn't that she accomplished everything she wanted to accomplish in my life. It wasn't the assumed health of her loved ones. It wasn't that she was getting pretty tired of being reduced to a toddler every time she needed her diaper changed. It was that leaving this Earth when she did saved her from the heart attack she would have had during the potential inauguration of one Donald Trump. She went softly in her sleep instead of leaving it to chance whether or not she got shocked into a restless eternal slumber by the election of a 6th grade bully to run the free world. Given the horseback riding I am going to assume this lady was white. That means somewhere out there an elderly white woman went calmly into the night comfortable with the fact that the last elected official she'll ever know was a personable, even keel black man. Let's embrace that small bit of progression before November comes and the next fucking dumbass (her words and mine) in charge shoots it all to hell.
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January 2020