I Know This May Come As A Surprise, But 66% Of Millennials Don't Think They Are Millennials5/17/2015 Public Religion- Millennials are having an identity crisis. Only one-third (34 percent) of Americans age 18 to 35 say that they’re a “millennial,” according to PRRI’s millennial report, while the remaining 66 percent say that the term doesn’t describe them well.
While most millennials avoid adopting the label—whether out of negative connotations it carries or because they are unfamiliar with it—some millennials are more likely to reject it than others. 66% of millennials don't think they are millennials. 42% of fat people don't think they are fat. 75% of pretentious, superficial dickheads don't think they are pretentious, superficial dickheads. 59% of ugly people don't think they are ugly. 82% of people who suck in bed don't think they suck in bed. 100% of conspiracy theorists and 'truthers' think their reasoning is logical. More importantly, only 1.5% of people are totally self aware. And yes, other then the first stat, all of those are completely made up. But guess what? They probably aren't all that far off. If people were quick to criticize themselves they would have to work to fix those defects, and that's time that could be so much better spent glorifying themselves on social media. You mean to tell me that the most narcissistic, self absorbed demographic of society chooses not to identify themselves with those characteristics? Absolutely stunning. Is this all that hard to figure out? My generation easily has the most flaws of any generation, and that trend will only continue as idiots have unprotected sex and shit out more idiots. Regardless, the 'beauty' of the millennial is that they don't realize they are a millennial. We are just running around like our shit doesn't stink, ignoring every single one of our faults. The term 'millennial' has a negative connotation. If we are all so perfect and ignorantly blissful with each and every single aspect ourselves, how could we possibly describe ourselves as something so unfavorable? There is a person that didn't even take a break from finding the perfect angle for a selfie to look at the person that took this survey. If you asked that person if they were a millennial they would balk at the question. They would simply say that they are taking the selfie for the actual millennials who constantly like their pictures. You know why the world feels like it's getting increasingly stupider? Because the people born between 1980-2000 are starting to make decisions that affect society, and we are literally the least self aware people in history. Hey, count me in the 34%. I am a millennial. I scour the worldwide web and commentate on the stupidity of others. In all honesty, 'scour' might not be the right world, because as our generation gets dumber the internet only requires a casual glance to find material. If the millennials that didn't think they were millennials didn't exist neither would this website, and for that we should all be thankful. Nailed it Bauerlein, nailed it...
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