Normally I wouldn't be the first one on the stand to defend a man that looks like he painted the sidelines for a high school football game while doing the 'Electric Slide'. However, this is a special case, because I know the direction that most people are going to go with this. This poor bastard, who is probably making pennies to keep the school grounds in check, is about to raked over the coals for drawing out a boundary that couldn't possibly pass a field sobriety test. There's going to be a bunch of people calling him a boozehound and laughing at him for having the inability to walk in a straight line, and I personally think he has the right to a fair trial before we stick him in the nearest AA meeting. As someone that has been at a job where it felt like my contributions hardly mattered, I respect this man's indifference to this blue collar career as a glorified landscaper. Not just because I feel like everyone - at one point or another - has slacked while on the clock, but because he's almost certainly been looked at like less than a human since day one. You want to treat a guy like a useless groundskeeper then don't bitch when you get a useless groundskeeper effort. So Billy is going to have to run more precious routes because the sideline hasn't stopped drinking since last Thursday, big fucking deal. Maybe if Billy acknowledged the guy that made his touchdowns possible when he walked past him after practice then we could have avoided this mess. Maybe if he didn't turn his nose up at the guy sweating profusely into his overalls as he maintained the sanctity of the gridiron then it would remotely resemble a viable grid. I'm not saying the guy didn't drink a 5th of vodka before laying a fresh coat of paint, I'm just saying I can see why he didn't give enough of a fuck not to.
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January 2020