Raw Story- The Oxford English Dictionary announced on Sunday it is going to include the gender-neutral honorific "Mx." -- pronounced "mix" -- to represent transgender people and people who don't want to be identified by gender, reports the Sunday Times of London.
Although the idea of replacing the traditional honorifics "Mr.," "Mrs." and "Miss," and the later "Ms.," with the gender-neutral "Mx." seems a wholly contemporary development, OED assistant editor Jonathan Dent in the announcement Sunday said the first recorded use of Mx. was discovered in a 1977 issue of "Single Parent," an American magazine. “The early proponents of the term seem to have had gender politics as their central concern [and] saw the title as one which could sidestep the perceived sexism of the traditional ‘Mr.,' ‘Mrs.’ and ‘Miss,'” Dent told the Sunday Times. Listen, I respect the lifestyle of transgenders, but I will be damned if I understand it. I thought the underlying principle of transsexuality is the strong need to identify with a gender in which you weren't born. Am I correct? Because I got to say, It's getting to the point where I think where they are overstepping their boundaries. First we had to boycott all gender identifying bathrooms, and now we have to create new titles exclusively for them? No. I call bullshit. Hey, it's a free country. Be whatever the hell you want to be, as long as it's a man or a woman. If Brucey Jenner wants to slap on some lipstick and pee sitting down he has every right in the world to do so. However, you have to choose a gender. You don't get both. We have these things called double standards in this country. Some of the very same principles that apply to men do not apply to women, and vice versa. You can't just be marching around with the freedom to do whatever you like depending upon whether you felt like wearing a dress that day. You want to identify as a woman you are a woman. You go to women's bathrooms and you get addressed at 'Ms.' or 'Mrs.', whether you have a dick or not. You want to be a man? You throw on some loose fitting Levis and hope people call you Sir. There's already enough ambiguity in this country. The one thing that should remain the same is that we have TWO genders. The entirety of society is built around the notion that there is only two, even if their definitions have drastically changed in recent years. You get chocolate or vanilla, there is no 'swirl' option in terms of gender identification. If having the best of both worlds was that easy Neo would have thrown the red and the bill pill down his gullet and hoped for the best. You want to have your cake and eat it too? By all means, but when I pass you the slice I am addressing you as Ms. or Mr.
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January 2020