Complex- According to TMZ Sports, Kobe was giving Kanye some private hoops lessons at the Open Gym facilities. Kanye is a noted fan of basketball, and reportedly spends time on tour playing with his friends. Apparently, he's now working his connections to try and get an extra edge on his pick-up competition. The last person I would ever want to play basketball against is Kobe Bryant. Kobe only has one speed and that's full throttle. I'm sure it was just a shoot-a-round/pickup game but I have no doubts that Kobe scored 200 points and dunked on every single person in this picture. Championship mentality. Whether it's NBA Finals game 7 or playing his kids on the Fisher Price hoop. Leave no ego unshattered. Did Kanye West finally get emasculated? That has to be it right? He can't rant on about nonsense and claim he is the best ever on the basketball court. Ball don't lie. Either your making shots or your having 3 balls drained in your face. Kanye doesn't strike me as the type to do well in activities where your success is measured by tangible things like statistics. Musically he can just claim he's a God and no one can really fight him on it. There's no actual way to rationalize with someone that thinks they are super human. If I were Kanye I would stay away from all forms of sport. Impossible to be cocky and arrogant when a man is jamming a ball on your head and his nuts on your chin. Mr. West is used to being the big swinging dick (literally and metaphorically) in every group setting he hangs out in. In this picture he is 6 inches shorter than everyone else. He was probably out of breathe after the first possession. How do you think he felt when his first shot got blocked to the moon and back? Impossible to feel like a man when everyone around you is physically dominating you. I bet he wore jeans so he could use them as an excuse. Definitely made the 'my chain was in my eyes' proclamation more then once. P.S. I picture Kanye as a poor man's JR Smith. Shoots from 6 feet behind the 3 point line. No passing. No defense. No rebounding. Definitely unties opponents shoes during play. P.P.S. 1000% screams 'YEEZUS' after he releases every shot. Yeezus Shuttleworth, Comin' in hot! Annnnnnd a bonus meme…..
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January 2020