Metro- A disabled former trucker has been seen carrying his mobility scooter up steps while claiming £1,340 a month in benefits.
Gwynfor Jones from Bournemouth claims that he is too ill to work and that he has suffered six heart attacks, a minor stroke, a kidney blockage and has ‘dodgy legs’. Mr Jones, 50, told the Sun: ‘I’m not physically capable of working and haven’t been for years. I need the scooter. I can walk up three steps before I’m buggered. ‘When I’m pulling this thing up, my legs go every single time. I have to sit and wait half an hour-plus with it resting on my legs. ‘If the DSS [Department of Work and Pensions] saw me pulling this up the stairs they would have my guts for garters. I would lose everything, I get anxious about it. ‘But if I get too anxious and depressed it could bring on an angina attack.’ The twice-divorced father-of-two has many detractors with a source close to Jones saying: ‘He doesn’t need the scooter — he is just a fat, lazy b*****d and a conman. ‘If he really had all the illnesses he claims, lifting that thing up would finish him off.’ This guy is the worst kind of person in the world. And no, it's not because he has been scamming money from the government due some fraudulent disability. No one in this world is going to stop other people from trying to get their hands on your money, so if you can make money without lifting a hand then all the power to you. This guy is the worst person in the world because he doesn't have the decency to hide it in public. When you get paid to be a fat, lazy sack of shit then your job is to be a fat, lazy sack of shit 24/7. You don't get to rub it in people's face that you are taking advantage of the system. This guy is the same as the able bodied person that borrows their grandmother's handicapped parking pass and won't even throw in a limp as he hurries into the grocery store while whistling to himself. It's like Carmelo Anthony sitting out the season as he collects a $20 million dollar salary, but deciding to play in the All Star Game. Either be injured, or don't be injured, but don't just be injured when it's convenient for you. Old Gwynfor Jones basically turned being the girl that always has a note to skip gym class into a profession. If this guy was as good at being a scumbag as his disability check dictates he would sue his apartment building for not having a ramp up to the lobby. That's my problem with him. Not that he's a disgraceful human being with no morals, but that he's really bad at being a disgraceful human being with no morals. One can only hope that the government realizes their mistake and takes every red cent they have ever given him. You can only tempt fate for so long, right? Just sitting out front in broad day light dragging a 250 pound motorized scooter up a couple of steps, but claiming he is to damaged to drive a truck and earn his paycheck. It's like getting paid a million dollars to stop seeing a man's daughter then continuing to fuck her in his bed while he's mowing the lawn. This guy is getting paid handsomely to do something that couldn't possibly be easier given the circumstances, yet he still can't adhere to his job description. Just be a handicapped guy that inconveniences all of those around you, but don't show off your abilities to be anything other than a useless, disgusting human being. At least not in public anyway.
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January 2020