Mike Bossy's Daughter Gave Away His '50 Goals In 50 Games' Puck to Her Swimming Instructor8/24/2015 Puck Daddy- In the 1980-81 season, Mike Bossy of the New York Islanders accomplished something that many felt would not be accomplished again in NHL history: Scoring 50 goals in 50 games, a feat reached just once before by Maurice Richard in 1944-45 with the Montreal Canadiens. One would assume the puck that set the record would be in the Hockey Hall of Fame, or resting in a trophy case in Bossy’s home. And it would have been, had it not ended up in the possession of a youth swimming coach. As the story goes, Jake Jacobson coached Bossy’s daughter in 1988, and as a token of appreciation she gave him a memento from her father’s playing days: The puck from his ’50 in 50’ goal, scored with just 1:29 left in a game against the Quebec Nordiques on Jan. 24, 1981. (Wayne Gretzky, Mario Lemieux and Brett Hull subsequently matched the achievement.) Jacobson, an Islanders fan, attempted to meet Bossy to return the puck to him but was rebuffed by the Hall of Famer several times. So he decided to profit from the puck instead, placing it on eBay, where it sold in May for $6,850. The auction winner? Gavin Maloof, former co-owner of the Sacramento Kings and minority owner of The Palms in Las Vegas, which had hosted the NHL Awards in the past. "I said, 'We need to get this puck. It means a lot to Mr. Bossy,'" Maloof told TMZ Sports."Fifty goals in 50 games. Only a handful of people have ever done that. I needed to buy this puck. I don't care how much it costs." So he purchased the puck, invited Bossy to Vegas, took him out for a steak dinner and reunited him with the puck. Is this what having kids is all about? Let me know now, so I can have the vasectomy done before sun down. Seriously, there are little girls out there giving away one of their father's most prized possessions to their swimming instructor? If that's the case then my idea of swimming classes will to toss my kid in the deep end, walk inside, and casually put my soundproof head phones on. I don't exactly have a hockey puck that speaks to a monumental accomplishment or anything, but I am sure one of my possessions is valuable enough to go to to prison for. I don't even understand this story. Are you just required to expect your child to do the dumbest thing they possibly could upon birth? Like you make a conscious decision upon looking at a baby for the first time that you will automatically forgive everything it ever does over the course of it's entire life. I got to say, I don't like the sound of that one single bit. I may not have been the most pleasurable child to raise, but I like to think that if this story is the precedent for stupidity than all my actions fall extremely far under it. I didn't think that infamous scene of 'The Sandlot' was anything more than a dramatization of chid rearing. Shame on me, I aways thought those lunatic parents that put child proof locks on EVERYTHING were the real assholes. Turns out they are just the assholes that don't have a single worry about the whereabouts of all their worldly possessions. Someone want to tell me how there are four people involved in this story and only one that did anything right was the guy that paid nearly $7,000 for a puck just to go out and have a steak dinner with it's rightful owner? At least that's a level of dedication to history that I can respect. Especially since the guy who bought it is a millionaire. Everyone else though? Jesus Christ, talk about FUBAR-ing a situation. First, you got the eight year old girl who probably should have met her foster parents about 6 seconds after she handed over that puck. Then you got the swimming coach that probably wouldn't know what hockey was if a game broke out poolside. I don't care how many times Mike Bossy "rebuffs" you. When a naive 8 year old gives you a puck you are not allowed to sell it. Maybe, oh, I don't know, put it in a box and ship the thing back to him? That's better than being the scumbag that profits off a partially stolen puck. Then you got Mike Bossy who is about 27 years late putting his child up for adoption. Yeah, I know, blah, blah, blah, great parent. Such an overrated attribute these days. All's well that ends well I guess, but this should really give us all a look in to the horror that is child birth. Mike Bossy scored 50 goals in 50 games and it took him damn near 30 years to get back HIS puck. Just goes to show that once you wait too long to pull out the only thing that is rightfully yours for the rest of eternity is the kid that's doing everything to make you want to give up it's rights. P.S. THE GREAT BAM-BI-NO!
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