Myles Garrett Is Now Publicly Begging Jerry Jones To Trade Up With Cleveland And Draft Him2/10/2017
So, uhhh, would it be fair to say that Myles Garrett didn't think the decision to watch the NFL draft from his couch as the surefire #1 pick sent a strong enough message to the team he is now actively trying to dodge at all costs?
It's almost like he started to think it through and was afraid that the Cleveland Browns would take him at his politically word when he said he just wanted to be around people close to him. Panic must have really set in between 5PM and 6PM, because I've never seen a college kid be so quick to go from taking a stand on behalf of his family to virtually kneeling at the feet of a 74 year old white guy. Now granted, we have seen high profile prospects weasel their way out of destinations they've deemed undesirable before, but nothing - and I mean nothing - quite like this. A kid who has the potential to a generational talent casting aside every ounce of his own pride to not only shamelessly beg for a trade, but also try his hand at Assistant GM by piecing together the transaction like he's playing 'Madden'? That's a move that has Eli Manning thinking he was noble for moping to Daddy. It makes John Elway threatening to throw fastballs instead of fade routes look honorable. I don't really care that Myles Garrett is doing everything in his power to avoid NFL purgatory because I would probably do the same. However, let's not act like literally putting his hands together and pleading with Jerry Jones isn't one of the more patently ridiculous things we have seen pre-draft. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons he wants to be Cowboy. What pass rusher wouldn't want to join a good, young team that needs help on defense and plays in their hometown? That said, Myles Garrett doing everything short of clasping himself to Jerry Jones ankle and screaming "pleasssssssse" until he said "okay fine, just get off me" has a lot more to do with Cleveland than it does Dallas. Only the Browns could bring a freakishly athletic specimen to his knees in desperate hopes of never, ever playing a single down for them. P.S. The chances this happens range from none to slimmer than none, but if the Cowboys even consider trading Tony Romo to the Browns after the year he's had then their hearts are colder than the chill that goes down my spine when Jerry Jones smiles maniacally.
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