ABC- A New York man who sought help from a fortuneteller to fix a romantic relationship says she scammed him out of more than $700,000. Now the allegations have the Manhattan psychic, Priscilla Delmaro, and another person facing charges of grand larceny. The 32-year-old Brooklyn man told police he consulted Delmaro in August 2013 who told him that evil spirits were keeping him from a woman he claimed to love and wanted to be with who did not share his same affections, The New York Times reported ( ). In a statement he and a private investigator presented to detectives last month, the man said that the 26-year-old psychic told him that he and the woman, Michelle, were "twin flames" being kept apart by negativity. Delmaro told him spirits talked to her, so he made multiple payments to her over 20 months, he told investigators. According to the man, those payments included $80,000 for an 80-mile bridge she said would trap evil spirits into another realm, a $30,000 Rolex she claimed would cleanse the sins of his past and $40,064 for a Tiffany diamond ring to "protect his energy," along with other payments totaling as much as $40,000. First of all, Priscilla is an A+ fortuneteller name. Suck it Miss Cleo. More importantly, since when can we void the social contracts set forth by society? It may not be written on the door, but when you walk into a fortuneteller's office you make the conscious decision to piss away your money. This woman didn't commit grand larceny, she instituted a business plan. If you can't make money off non-tangible services then we are set to have another recession. Psychologists? Therapists? Marriage counselors? All obsolete. All criminals. Put those kleptomaniacs behind bars. Shit, we are talking about New York City here. If tricking an idiot out of his money is a crime then there wouldn't be a single business still standing. $9 beers? $2,000 a month for a shoebox? 30% markups on any and all type of clothing? It's all theft. You step foot in NYC and the first time you take your wallet out you are willingly being burglarized. In fact, a fortuneteller might be the most honest career in the entire borough. The fact that she admits her job is reliant upon magic means she openly concedes to being full of shit. It's not her fault there is some mentally handicapped lunatic that is somehow capable of paying her over half a million dollars. It wasn't robbery when she was taking rational people for $5 bucks a pop, but now that she is successful it's a felony? Who is to say that this woman didn't follow through on her services? I don't know what an $80,000 bridge that keeps evil spirits away looks like, do you? I don't know if a $30,000 Rolex is capable of cleansing the sins of the past, but it would certainly explain why it is so expensive. I'd probably tack on another 5 G's to clean the slate morally. At the end of the day, the hundreds of thousands of dollars this guy got taken for weren't necessary transactions. I highly doubt '$40,000 for Tiffany Ring Energy Protector' was written on the chalk board behind her head. He probably got charged $20 dollars just like everyone else. It just so happens he fell for the oldest trick in the book. He's the guy that buys sneakers and gets suckered into the shoe cleaner. He's the guy that buys insurance on every product he's ever purchased. The additional charges may have been exorbitant, but that doesn't change the concept at hand. It's not a crime for Priscilla to be a better business woman than he is a consumer. Like they always say, A fool and his money are soon parted. P.S. If you're going to search out spiritual ways to end up with the woman of your dreams it is kind of your own responsibility to make sure she is still alive...
The man— who has not been identified in court documents —told police he had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars before finding out in February 2014 that Michelle had died. But, the man wrote, Delmaro said she could be reincarnated.
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