PETA Upset With British Bar Because Their Name, 'Ye Olde Fighting Cocks', Is Offensive To Chickens5/22/2015 National Review- People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals sent a letter to the oldest bar in Britain on Monday demanding that it change its historic name because “Ye Olde Fighting Cocks” is offensive to chickens. PETA director Mimi Bekhechi said the name should be changed to “Ye Olde Clever Cocks” because that would “celebrate chickens as the intelligent, sensitive and social animals they are,” according to an article in the Mirror. “We understand that the pub has long been called Ye Olde Fighting Cocks and that there may be some resistance to making a name change, but just as many pubs with names tied to slavery changed their names to match modern sensibilities, so it’s high time for The Cocks to change,” the group’s special-projects manager Dawn Carr said in a letter, according to the Herts Advertiser. I guess this is my naivety talking but I always thought throwing 'fighting' in front of something gave it a good, strong connotation. Someone alert Notre Dame that they have been marginalizing drunken midget leprechauns for decades. Bet the Phillies thought the whole 'Fighting' Phils' thing was really clever. Little do they know they have been offending the entire city of Philadelphia, if that's even possible. Ya know what? It's about damn time. Every group in this country has a spokesperson, why not chickens? Prejudice isn't just physical. It's not enough that PETA has to constantly remind us not to eat the world's most popular meal. Words can cause mental anguish too, and this British bar is about to learn the hard way. Don't think we're letting you off the hook either South Carolina. 'Gamecocks' might look rather humorous on a hat, but I'll be damned if we let a bunch of flightless birds be represented in such an insensitive manner. Fucking Delaware trying to sneak under the radar as a D1-AA school. We see you too Blue Hens. You got a problem with green hens? Not on our watch you won't start judging poultry based on the color of it's feathers. In all seriousness, the people at PETA do outrage right. That sounds crazy because they are one of the most annoying groups on the planet, but think about it. In today's day and age people are constantly speaking on behalf of other groups of people. Nothing makes a person look more stupid than by taking a stance on something that isn't even big deal to the people they are defending. For instance, don't tell me that the word 'midget' is offensive if even midgets don't find it offensive. Know the best way to avoid that scenario? Defend a group that can't speak up for itself. Speak on behalf of those that can't speak and even they can't tell you how wrong you are. If chickens could talk even they would say they would say that PETA is an outrageously outspoken friend. Alas, they can't, so we have to listen to a bunch of irrational animal lovers bicker about bar names. If only the angel on the other shoulder was a chicken repeating the very same thoughts of the carnivorous devil then we wouldn't have to worry about offending my future dinner. P.S. I do appreciate comparing fighting chickens to slavery. Go big or go home. Bet no one paid this suggestion any mind until they heard the word slavery. Granted, that didn't change anything, but it definitely made them think twice.
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