I didn't even want to post the video of the actual goal in this blog, because I thought it would take attention away from the real star of the show, and that star is NHL official Wes McCauley. Something tells me the poor guy missed his calling as a color commentator, but I am glad he still found a way to work his flare for the dramatic into his current profession. Not too often that hockey fans are acknowledging officials for a positive reason seeing as it is unquestionably the most thankless job in sports. That's why I am glad that Wes McCauley pandered to the fans of the home team by building the suspense before sending them into hysterics with the final payoff. It was unnecessary and some may say it even bordered on obnoxious, but I'll be damned if it wasn't entertaining. No matter how crappy your job you have to find a way to have fun with it, and nothing proves that like an oft-chastised official turning a routine goal announcement into a climactic melodrama. You know, as long as he never, ever announces a goal like that for the visiting team. h/t BustedCoverage
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January 2020