FTW- “If money is the motivation, then f— that,” she says. “All these Money people… Money [Floyd] Mayweather, Money [Conor] McGregor. I see they’re trying to do an angle or whatever. People buy it.
The worship of money in our society is so deep. But just because that’s the easiest way to keep people’s attention or entertain them doesn’t mean that’s the right way.” “That loss saved me from becoming what I hate. One of those people who live their lives to impress everyone else. Who put up a front for the world to admire. Who make sure every charitable act is posted and shared for their own image gain. Who posture and pose for people they care nothing about except for the opinion they have of them.” “I was just trying to make too many people happy. But when I try and do favors and make everybody else happy, at the end of the day, they walk away happy and I’m the one who has to deal with the depression. All the pay-per-views in the world, all the money in the world, it means f—ing nothing to me because I lost.” Yeah, take those hundreds of millions of dollars and use them to wipe your tears Floyd, because everyone knows that money can't buy happiness! Why do you think Conor McGregor is so goddamn agitated all the time? It's because not even those never-before-seen UFC paydays can turn that frown upside down! Take it from Ronda Rousey, the path to true prosperity is through the ever-wavering admiration of strangers. That is, until you get your head kicked across the globe, your aura of invincibility gets forever tainted, people move on to the next big story, and your self of esteem can no longer be kept afloat by your universal likability. Let's just put the cards on the table here. Ronda Rousey's embarrassing loss to Holly Holm didn't save her from shit. If "what she hates" is someone whose sense of self is tied directly to what other people think about them then her self loathing must have been off the fucking richter, because she was the prototype for people that don't identify themselves by anything but their celebrity. In fact, she would still be that prototype if she didn't get pushed from her pedestal by a roundhouse kick that damn near detached her jaw from her face. Ronda Rousey only had a come-to-Jesus moment in the sense that she probably thought she was ascending to heaven for a few seconds after she got knocked out. She didn't "see the light" unless you're talking about the hundreds of cameras flashing in her face as she lay mildly conscious. Her confidence was so fragile because she had made a career out of being just as superficial as the people she's currently criticizing. I agree with her in the sense that the fulfillment one gets from the neverending search for more money is fleeting at best. However, this self righteous bullshit that is characteristic of a recovering drug addict who preaches the word of the Lord ad nauseam to help themselves forget how much they really, really want to get high is just as much of a front as the one that got shattered into millions of pieces by the foot of Holly Holm. Mayweather and McGregor seem perfectly content using their increasing networth as their motivation, and it's not her place to tell them they can't seeing as one of them was able to absord an excruciating loss without running to cash paychecks for playing the poorly acted subplot in shitty movies.
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January 2020