Scottish Boy Band Member Passes Out On Flight After Wearing 12 Layers To Avoid A Baggage Fee7/10/2015 Metro- Oh, how quickly a lol can turn into a total f*cking nightmare, as young James McElvar found out this week.
The 19-year-old – who happens to be a member of Scottish boy band Rewind – thought he was getting one over on EasyJet. Unfortunately all he got was heat exhaustion. It all started when the band tried to board an EasyJet flight from Stansted to Glasgow. While the rest of the band breezed through, James was told he had too much luggage. Obviously, putting them all on seemed like the best option, and that’s exactly what he did. All six t-shirts, four jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogging bottoms, two jackets and two hats of them. The cabin crew decided the best course of action was to move James to an empty row at the back of the plane. With the back row now spattered in vomit, the crew moved James to a seat in the centre of the plane, where he proceeded to pass out in the aisle. Poor James commented: ‘It was a nightmare. I passed out twice and was taken off the plane at Glasgow Airport to a waiting ambulance.’ He went on: ‘I knew something was wrong early on as I just couldn’t breathe properly. I thought I was having a heart attack.’ Damn, times are tough for foreign boy bands these days, huh? Back in the day 'NSYNC' and 'The Backstreet Boys' were simultaneously taking the music industry for every last red cent it was worth. Now 'One Direction' has flooded the 'market' (by market I mean panties) of newly pubescent females so badly, that a bunch of malnourished little Scots are damn near killing one of their band mates to avoid a baggage fee. It appears being a pop singing group of (potentially homosexual) males is a lot less glamorous than it was in the late 90's. Either that, or 'Replay' probably needs some new management. Don't get me wrong. Paying for baggage is awful. It's something I do my best to avoid. I've stretched the definition of a 'carry-on' far more than any TSA agent that actually values their shitty job would care to know. That's why it's no wonder that his kid's music career hasn't taken off. Any cash strapped young lad that isn't creative enough to fit six t-shirts, four jumpers, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of jogging bottoms, two jackets and two hats into a a reasonably sized duffle bag doesn't have the creativity to top the charts. Regardless, sometimes paying for bags is a necessary evil. A necessary evil that, without a doubt isn't worth your comfortability, never mind your health. Being comfortable on a plane is far more valuable than paying a 20 spot for an illegal alien to throw around, and potentially lose, your bag. Shit, I would pay double the baggage fee just to make sure I had an aisle seat. My idea of a successful plane ride is sitting down, falling asleep, and waking up when the wheels touch down at my destination. A lot of people already have an issue dozing off on planes, now imagine trying to do so in 12 layers of clothing. I would hand over my entire wallet just to throw me out of the plane at 20,000 feet after no more than an hour. Hell, I am ready to strangle a flight attendant if I wear flip-flops and it's too cold, or if I wear sweatpants and a hoodie and it's too hot. It's a goddamn wonder that more people don't lose complete control of their emotions being trapped in a climate controlled hunk of metal in the sky, and that's without some asshole wearing his entire wardrobe at once.
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