Source- Replacing the passenger-side airbag with a shipment of cocaine might have cost the passenger his life in an accident in Tamaulipas.
The car was reportedly traveling at an excessive speed on the Ciudad Victoria-Matamoros highway when the driver lost control and it overturned. Although the driver’s side airbag deployed successfully, both he and the passenger died from their injuries en route to hospital. When Federal Police arrived at the scene to investigate, they discovered 25 kilograms of cocaine hidden behind the dash where the airbag would have been. I certainly don't want to endorse drinking and driving, but I think it's safe to assume that most have probably been behind the wheel after one too many. It's not exactly a situation you want to be put in, but when you are there is a certain protocol you adhere to. You make sure your seatbelt is buckled. You make sure you keep your hands at 10 and 2. You make sure your seat back is up. You make sure you keep an eye on the speedometer at all times. Basically you just act like you are taking your driver's test. Now, none of those precautions make it safe by any means, but they do reduce the risk that you'll get yourself in a whole heap helping of trouble for doing so. I say all this for one reason, and one reason only. To show that these Mexican dudes (Rest In Peace) clearly don't know the rules behind driving more safely to offset the danger that you are voluntarily putting yourself in. Essentially what I am saying is that I don't have a problem with these guys transporting cocaine. As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure carrying narcotics via motor vehicle is like a Mexican birthright. I also don't have a problem with these guys replacing their airbag with 25 kilos of coke. All things considered, that seems like a hell of a spot to keep your drugs. If there is one thing these guys did right it was pick a hiding spot, so to that I say bravo. In actuality, their only real mistake was driving like a bunch of assholes. Shit, .01 over the legal limit and I am driving like I got Ms. Daisy knitting a sweater in the backseat. Meanwhile these guys got enough blow to send Columbia into a cardiac arrest, and they are frivolously flipping cars. Hey guys, I know I am a little late on this, but not only is that a good way to get pulled over and busted for possession, but it's also a good way to get yourself killed when you replace your sole form of protection with Peruvian uncut. A good general rule of thumb is to not drive drunk or with cocaine buried in your dashboard, but if you are going to anyway, my God, is it too much to ask to drive the speed limit? Just one single precaution and your families aren't planning funerals. They are called drug mules for a reason, and it's not because are supposed to be moving at a recklessly fast rate of speed.
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January 2020