Takes Don't Get Hotter Than Implying That Michael Floyd's Arrest Had Something To Do With Race12/21/2016
Ahhh, the age old question....if everything is racist then is anything actually racist? I know that this Boston radio personality is just trying to stir the pot, but pushing a bland, premeditated narrative isn't going to spice things up. Using something as serious as police brutality towards black people as a tool to boost your ratings when it's not even remotely relevant does nothing but trivialize those that have actually been profiled racially. I'm beginning to think we should leave the cultivation of oppression-based hot takes to the oppressed, because I find it very hand to believe that any rational black person would have a problem with how this officer handled a dangerous situation. We are talking about a man that - when awake - was literally too drunk for English words while behind the wheel of a running motor vehicle that was sitting idly in an active roadway and the most he was made to do was get out of the car (after being told multiple times), sit on the curb, and explain himself. As a white male, I am certainly not the one to make the final call on whether or not something is driven by prejudice, but I just learned that I am far more qualified than the guy who takes being an African American apologist to such an extreme level that black people might start apologizing on his behalf. 'Black Lives Matter' would be closer to giving this officer an award than questioning his intentions. Meanwhile, some white sports writer is going to be the one to shame him for treating an incoherent imbecile that just endangered the lives of countless innocent people like a child that needs to be reprimanded hundreds of time before they do something as simple as put their hands on the wheel? I give Pete Abraham the same advice I would give Michael Floyd if I happened to see him eyeing up a bar - try a little bit less next time.
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