Inquisitr- Shocking video footage shows American students brawling in the middle of a classroom floor. A male teacher can be seen ripping off his belt and whipping the students as they fight on the floor below. The brawl quickly comes to an end, with students scattering across the room as they attempt to flee the angry teacher.
Cell phone video of a fight in an unnamed American school was uploaded to LiveLeak on Friday night. In the video, you see a group of male students fighting in the floor of a classroom. A male teacher can be seen approaching the boys with a belt in hand. The teacher then begins to whip the fighting boys with the belt until they disperse. Some of the students can be heard laughing in the background as the boys are hit with the belt. However, others appear terrified as they flee the corporal punishment. The Washington Post notes that corporal punishment, such as whipping a student with a belt, is banned in 31 states. However, 19 states still allow teachers and administrators the power to punish a child for disruptive behavior with corporal punishment. How far a teacher is legally allowed to go with the corporal punishment varies by state. The video does not note which school the belt beating incident took place. However, some have pointed out that the school may be a private, religious, or military academy, as the students are wearing uniforms. If the question is when is it okay for a teacher to take off his belt to discipline students then the safe answer is never. However, it would be foolish to think that it isn't more necessary under some circumstances than others. From the little I have seen, this looks like a situation that could stand to benefit from the presence of some leather lashings. We send kids to school to be educated. There's no more important life lesson than learning that if you act like a dick you might get your ass whipped. Funny story, when I was growing up I got into an argument with a close friend/ teammate. My hockey coach took us outside and told us, "if you are going to get into a fight then you better be willing to kill each other or else it's not worth it". I still, to this day, have not a clue what that means. I think it means he makes a much better coach than a friend. Could mean he had just had enough of our shit and wanted to scare us into behaving. Well, guess what, mission accomplished. I definitely stopped getting into as many petty fights with my friends. You following me here? I am not saying psychotic, nonsensical logic will get kids to act appropriately, but I am saying that the entire point of discipline is deter similar behavior in the future. Turns out that fear is quite deterrent. You know how many times students are going to start bench clearing brawls in the classroom when they remember getting smacked around with a belt? Zero. A couple sore asses is contributing to the greater good, especially in a school that looks to be of the military variety. How else do you stop a dozen wrestling kids with ADD? Peel them off the pile one by one? Good luck with that success rate. Sometimes you need to do a little impact correction to restore order. Trust me, this kid won't be acting up again...
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January 2020