Deadspin- She was saying how she first said she had never seen an uncircumcised cock and then she said, ‘I’ve never seen a mulatto cock. There’s lots of cocks I’ve never seen,’ or something like that,
Peretti said the encounter with Ivanka occurred at a Manhattan dive bar called Tropical some about 10 years ago with roughly five other people present. Really? I mean, REALLY?! This is how deep we are going to dive to disparage the Trump family? The Donald gives us endless material to criticize literally every time he opens his mouth or gets caught on a hot mic and we are going to attack his daughter for wanting to see a half black dick a decade ago? If anything, it seems mighty progressive of a pretentious 24 year old woman to want to expand her sexual horizons - especially when she was "raised" by a fear mongering bigot. I'm not sure people were casually using the word "mulatto" in conversation during 2006, but I still respect her openness to appreciating cocks of all colors. I just fundamentally don't understand the line of thinking that could have you chastising Donald Trump for trying to start up architectural endeavors to keep out people of other races out of our country before turning around and shaming his daughter for wanting to see those same people naked. I'm not sure how open her mind was at that stage of her life, but I assume her open mouth and open legs more than made up for it. Ivanka Trump was bound to inherit a trait from her father, and - personally - I'm glad she inherited the proclivity to publicly talk about p-words instead of his general disdain for anyone that doesn't look like him. Hey Jonah Peretti, hop down from that sexually repressed fence of judgment because the only people these "lewd" comments objectify would gladly whip their light skinned junk out for a young, hot white chick with daddy issues. Grabbing someone by the penis is exponentially more socially acceptable than grabbing someone by the pussy, so maybe it's time we applaud Ivanka for her lack of dick discrimination instead of retroactively bullying a 24 year old for saying sex stuff in a bar.
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January 2020