The Vancouver Canucks Letting Players Pick Their Own Personal Goal Song Is A TERRIBLE Idea10/15/2015
Yardbarker- Are you tired of hearing the same boring goal song used over and over again by the same few teams? The Canucks were way ahead of you in that regard and have decided to allow their players to choose an individual song for each player on the team when they score a goal.Most of the players didn’t care what was selected, while some of the younger players had an easy choice right off the bat. Radim Vrbata on the other hand had an interesting thought – why not let the fans choose.
This is such a bad idea that I can't even wrap my head around it. No wonder the Canucks are perennial failures, they don't even understand the importance of having one goal song. Hockey isn't baseball guys. Baseball players have their own walkup music because it's a sport that's predicted upon individual performance. There's no one playing next to you that can "assist" you in hitting an opposite field double with runners in scoring position. Hockey is a team sport. You can't succeed unless your teammates, or line mates, are able to put you in a position to succeed. Hockey is about camaraderie and chemistry. That's why there is one goal song. It's not supposed to be "your goal, your song", it's supposed to be "your team's goal, your team's song". It unites the players and the fans and infuses energy into the building. You need a song that people can look forward to, know the words to, and sing along with. No wonder Vancouver has been celebrating the individual accomplishments of those weirdo twins for years, they don't even understand the concept of collective success. Nothing will bring your own fans back down to Earth faster than hearing some tap dancing Swedish folk group that the Sedins listen to in their spare time. No fucking thank you. No one wants to hear that shit except those weird, big headed freaks. Not everyone is down with listening to Brandon Prust's favorite Nickelback song. I bet if Ryan Miller stood any chance of scoring he would probably pick some shitty Creed song that no on can understand the words to. That doesn't do anything for the atmosphere of the building. It doesn't get the fans on your side. If anything is creates an awkward silence. It would probably just have Vancouver fans cautiously clapping out of tune and looking around at each other like Taylor Swift just came on as the opener at a DMX concert. I don't care how big of a Canucks fan you are, you aren't memorizing 18 different goal songs on any particular night. What about when a rookie scores his first NHL goal? Is the place just going to be dead silent because no one has any idea what musical backdrop to expect? Canucks fans now have to pray that their favorite player has a good ear for music so that they can enjoy the full sense of euphoria when he scores? Nothing will add to your tradition of failure like shitting all over the tradition of the goal song. So dumb. So misguided. So Vancouver.
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