This 70 Year Old Man Traveled 250 Miles To Get his Wife Her Favorite Coffee As A Romantic Gesture9/22/2015 Metro- Mr Pedlow rode to the rescue when he realised his wife’s Grand Mere coffee, which is only available across the channel, was running out.
After recently losing their car he decided to put his new electric bike to the test. He set off from the couple’s home in Plymouth, Devon, and cycled the short distance to catch the overnight Brittany Ferry to Roscoff. After reaching France he travelled a few miles to the hypermarket in Saint-Pol-de-Leon where he stocked up with 30kg of Grand Mere, costing him 166 Euros (£120). He embarked on the return journey that evening to a delighted Mrs Pedlow. ‘I didn’t go with him because I’m not a good traveller, particularly on the sea,’ she said. ‘I would’ve had to take tablets and it takes me a couple of days to get over taking just one of them.’ The couple, who have one child, have been drinking Grand Mere since 1980. Okay, so the real title of this blog is "This 70 Year Old Man Traveling 250 Miles To Get His Wife Her Favorite Coffee As A Romantic Gesture Is A Complete Fraud", but I didn't want to out my main man David Pellow. Don't worry David, your secret is safe with me. Well, me and whoever is bored enough to read this site. Someone want to tell me what makes this a romantic gesture exactly? Sure, it might read like one at first glance, but this is just a relaxing trip away from his ball-and-chain under the guise of romance. This guy didn't ride his bike to France to get this woman her favorite coffee out of love. The guy hopped on his ELECTRIC bicycle, which means this adventure required little to no physical exertion. Then he hopped on a ferry, that he KNEW his wife wasn't capable of taking. Then hopped back on his brand new electric bicycle to get the coffee. Then he did the same thing all over again. That just seems like an out of country vacation to me. Probably stopped for a nice steak dinner, and had a rendezvous at the titty bar as a night cap. Last time I checked Romeo didn't have a hook nose, a scraggly gray beard, and a shit eating grin. Plus, as much as I believe David enjoyed the time away from his wife, this trip was out of necessity. You know how much of a nagging bitch a woman in her 70's, that has drank the same coffee every day for the last 50 years, can be? David was just avoiding a lifetime full of bitching. No one wants to spend their dying days listening to their wife complain about how a nearly identical brand of coffee doesn't taste the same. This guy had three options, kill his wife and make it look like an accident, have his eardrums removed, or spend a nice long weekend alone and get his wife something in the process. If you want to say that David Pellow traveled 250 miles to get his wife some coffee than you can, and I hope you do, because David deserved some 'me' time, and a sham this well planned is deserving of brownie points.
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January 2020