NY Post- The leader of the city’s female firefighters has sparked outrage for blasting “white boys” and “white privilege.”
Sarinya Srisakul, president of United Women’s Firefighters, is taking heat from fellow Bravest after some found her online comments. They read: ‘“These white boys crying and complaining over this because their white privilege is being messed with. Trying living a life being racially profiled!!!!”’ Critics say Srisakul violated the FDNY’s social-media policy when she posted the comments in November. The policy bars statements that bring the department into disrepute, but some firefighters say Srisakul gets away with it because she is “politically correct.” Srisakul, who failed the Fire Academy twice before graduating after a third try, has been outspoken about the FDNY’s hiring criteria, calling some requirements unfair to women. It as no more than 24 hours ago that I was blogging that white privilege quite obviously exists in this country. Don't worry, I still stand by that. White people, and specifically white males, receive a lot more leeway in society. With that said, there are only a certain amount of ethnic groups I feel have the right to call us out on it. Black people can have a field day. When's the last time you have heard a derogatory generalization of white males from a black person and didn't sit back and say "well, we deserved that one". Mexicans can sneak in a shot here and there. Even middle eastern people can cry foul with the amount of discrimination they have endured since 9/11. However, I draw the line at Asians. Listen lady, the amount of "white boys" crying about our white privilege being "messed with" is about equal to the amount of Asian women being racially profiled. What were you profiled as a math genius? Did someone ask you an engineering question that you couldn't answer? Other than eating dogs Asians have literally all the good stereotypes. Why don't we save the word 'profiled' for those that have to suffer through the negative connotations of the word. On the totem pole of social acceptability Asians are creeping right up our ass as a close second. What the fuck are you mad at? Are you mad because women are treated unfairly, or mad because Asians are treated unfairly? Last time I checked calling the hiring criteria 'unfair to women' has nothing to do with 'living a life as racially profiled'. You just going to throw a bunch of shit at the wall and see what sticks? Why stop there? You sure you aren't Jewish or Muslim too? Let's bang out the trifecta of prejudice. Let's face facts, if this woman was subject to any kind of profiling it's because the fire department probably expected an Asian firefighter to be skinny and smart, not some obese broad that failed the entrance exam twice. God forbid they didn't think Yokozuna's dumb ass could get up the stairs and save a baby from a burning building in a timely manner. It's easy to cry that you are being judged by things that you can't control, like race and gender, instead of by the things you can control, like weight and knowledge. Maybe ease up on the egg rolls and hit the books for month or two before you go crying about racism and sexism, because I have never seen a white male with failing test scores and a similar body type working as a firefighter.
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January 2020