This Video Of A Cop Staring At A Woman's Ass On Camera Is Proof That We Just Can't Help Ourselves6/3/2016 I want every male reading this to do themselves a favor and bookmark this page immediately. I want you to save in the annals of your search history for a rainy day. A rainy day when you happen to be walking down the street with your significant other and your head instinctually shifts 180 degrees to catch a glimpse of the keister on whatever strange woman happens to be walking past you in the opposite direction. I want you to remember this 6 second clip when your girlfriend smacks you with her purse and starts guilting you into buying her a bunch of shit to make up for your visual infidelity. This video right here proves what every warm blooded, penis bearing man knows to be true. It's not up to us. We don't consciously ogle each and every women that happens to enter within a 5 foot radius of us. It's in our blood. We are goddamn animals. Predatory animals. Prisoners of the moment when the moment includes a fat ass and/or a pair of tits. Our minds go blank. Our eyes magnetized by the physical attributes of whatever pleasant smelling prey has wandered upon out hunting ground. Our dick tickled by the passing thought of what could have been. If an officer of the law - that clearly knows he is on camera - can't keep his eyes off a woman when he knows the nation is looking on then how are we expected to refrain from giving in to our optic impulses? That paralyzed "oh shit" glance at the end says all you need to know about what took place here, and what took place here is that a man did what men do by no fault of their own.
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January 2020