(good stuff happens at 2:30 in the video) http://www.dailydot.com/politics/ferguson-livestream-iphone-theft/ DailyDot- Amid the chaos of the rioting in Ferguson, Mo., last night, one of the more unusual events was a citizen journalist whose phone was stolen while he was livestreaming the protests. As Bassem Masri's iPhone 6 was wrenched out of his hands, and as the thief gloated and sprinted away, the iPhone continued to broadcast, treating Masri's viewers to real-time footage of the theft. "Oh man, I am going to get sooooo many followers. Hey everybody follow me at my handle @whogivesafuck_imameaningglessschlub. I bet no one else has this insider footage. Not even the 6 million cameras and news reporters literally standing in the line of fire getting nailed with rocks and having their lives threatened. I'm going to be an internet sensation!" ::SNATCHIES:: And with that, a man's hopes and dreams get killed before they were born. Got the wire hanger treatment, if you will. I don't want to delve too far into the Ferguson madness. Honestly, I am pretty neutral. Although this kid wasn't exactly a choir boy, cops get away with everything. Officer fucking Krupke had like one microscopic bruise on his face after he was "attacked". However, incinerating a city is not what I would call a solution. Regardless, I am so glad this dudes phone got jacked, and it has nothing to do with the scenario in which it was stolen. We need more people like the guy that stole this phone. I might hire him to walk around with me during my daily life. Have him take the phone of the person that videotapes the ENTIRE concert. Have him punt cell phones and iPads into on coming traffic when someone gets a little selfie happy. I'll tell you one thing, if we had more men like this guy the asian foot traffic in Times Square would be at a minimum. Everyone is so God damn obsessed with social media and documenting their lives that they forget to live them. Think about how focused this dude had to be to have his phone ripped clear out of his hands during a fucking riot. How about some awareness to the world going on around you? If his first reaction wasn't "well, I deserved that" then he is delusional. I have seen some people comment that these looters don't care about the deceased and they are just trying to take advantage of situation to steal shit. Not this guy, this guy had a purpose. He stole that phone and didn't even look at it for two minutes. If I stole a phone I would make it 10 feet before checking out if what I snagged was worth it. This guy didn't care if he snagged the first LG phone that had a camera on it, as long as he knew that guy wasn't going to be documenting it anymore. Not pimping his riot for all the followers it's worth. Not on his watch. The thief/hero could have stopped running after like 6 seconds. When someone steals your phone during a riot you call it a loss and keep on keeping on. P.S. The "get out of the street" followed by "FUCK YOU!" cracked me up. BONUS LARRY!
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