"NOW this is what america was hoping for when they announced the #WNBA back in 1996… not a bunch of chicks running around looking like,cast members from #orangeisthenewblack…dont get me wrong,they have few #cutiepies but theres a whole alotta #beanpies running around hahahahahaha if #skylardiggins came out like this,I dont care if she missed every layup..imma buy season tickets and I dont even know where the fuck #tulsa is hahahaha #2016newwnbaoutfitPLS and if u think this is sexist,9 times out of 10 u the ugly one and we didnt pay to come see u play anyway #donkeykong …smdh #thiswillbeawesome #soldouteverywhere"
Uhh, well, good for Gilbert Arenas I guess? He's got to stay in the news somehow, right? No better way to do that than to take up sexism as your cause. No doubt that will keep you at least semi-relevant. Clearly he lives by the phrase "no publicity is bad publicity", though if he keeps this up he'll probably die by it too. That's not in jest either. If the feminists get their hands on him they might actually eat him alive like it's an episode of 'The Walking Dead'. Remember when Don Imus called the Rutgers Women's Basketball team "nappy headed hoes"? Multiply that outrage by the amount the internet has grown over the last eight years, add on the fact that it's a relatively young black male saying it, and this is likely to turn into a goddamn powder keg of controversy. Oh well, this just goes to show that all the unearned money in the world can't buy you happiness when you are an attention starved former NBA player. The last thing I want to do is agree with Gilbert Arenas here, but facts are facts. If that's what WNBA players looked like/wore I would absolutely tune into more WNBA games. Why do think the Lingerie Football League is an actual entity? It's because attractive women in less clothes draw more viewers. That's just the way the world works, and it's not only a one way street. If every baseball player looked like a GQ model, had six pack abs, and wore nothing but a jockstrap then the MLB wouldn't exactly be short on female fans. Sex sells, and not all it's buyers have a penis. I'm not saying that Gilbert is right. What he said is not only highly offensive to extremely talented WNBA players, but highly offensive to all women. That being said, while he is a misogynistic moron, he's a misogynistic moron with a point, even if that point was likely unintended. The idea that society is driven by sexuality isn't a new one. There's just better ways to say that than by calling highly respected, highly accomplished women "bean pies". P.S. Does anyone that doesn't live in Tulsa know where Tulsa is?
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January 2020