DailyMail- In his original 4Chan post, he wrote: 'Just found out my girlfriend has been having sex with my Dad. He left his phone at the house while he's at work. 'All messages discussing how she's his "dirty little secret". Nudes and everything, what do I do? I'm broken.' He then shared a series of screen shots of the messages. Dad and girlfriend: Boyfriend and (ex) girlfriend: Whew, a lot to digest here. First of all, your girlfriend saying "your dad is not like normal dads" after sleeping with your dad sounds like the biggest copout of all time. With that said, when I lived at home my father's phone was easily lost more then it was found. I probably knew where it was more often than he did and not once did I ever have the inclination to go through his text messages. So there is probably some unfortunate truth to that statement. You just don't go rummaging through your dad's phone - or anyone's phone for that matter - on a whim. You do it because you are looking for something specific. You do it because you know you got the type of dad that would fuck your girlfriend without hesitation. So maybe the fact that your dad is a filthy, disgusting scumbag should have been addressed wayyyyyy before he started sending your girlfriend emojis and shamelessly begging for nudes. The best way to stop your worst nightmare from materializing is to admit that it is a realistic possibility, and your decision to go through his personal business means you already knew that it was. That doesn't let your whore of a girlfriend off the hook by any stretch of the imagination, but it does kind of explain what kind of family dynamic we are dealing with here (i.e. a shitty one).
Can someone - preferably an unfaithful female - explain to me why they think "it wasn't like it was with you" is something that a guy wants to hear? Women are the emotional beings. Men are the physical beings. If it involved a penis penetrating a vagina in a consensual manner then yes, it's exactly like it was with your significant other. In fact, when the "other guy" is your boyfriend's dad then it's probably even more similar to how it was with your boyfriend. You can't fuck the person that raised him and then make him feel better about the situation by saying "it sounds worse than it was". There's literally not a single situation in the world that sounds worse then finding out your dad entered your girlfriend. Seriously, I am trying to think of one single thing that is more disturbing and I can't. As for what to do about the situation? Kill him. There's really no other option. Plus, you could make a solid argument that it was self defense. If every time you saw your dad you were reminded of the time he stuffed your girl then suicide would immediately become an option. It's either him or you, and unless you were banging your mother then I think we know which person has more of a right to live. P.S. I am putting the chances that this dad saw this exact situation play out in a porno before he decided to make his move at 94.6%.
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January 2020