Deadspin- Boxer and serial batterer of women Floyd Mayweather said yesterday that he doesn't think it was fair that Ray Rice received more than the initial two-game suspension, and that the NFL overreacted to video of Rice cold-cocking his fiancée. Oh Jesus H. Christ Floyd. One time in your life, just one time, please shut the fuck up. Money Mayweather came out a few days ago to let the NFL know that he doesn't agree with their decision to suspend Ray Rice indefinitely. Hold on, he's got a point….I think…maybe... Apparently you can't suspend Ray Rice indefinitely because "there's a lot worse things that go on in other peoples' households, it's just not caught on video, if that's safe to say". Tell 'em Floyd. If you give Ray an indefinite suspension what kind of suspension are you going to give someone who rapes their wife, or even kills her. Two games was the right call. Maybe 8 for rape, a full season for murder. Makes sense to me. There's levels to this shit…and Floyd would know. Coming off a two month stint in prison after his very own domestic dispute case, backing Ray Rice is probably the least surprising thing that Mayweather has ever done. Let's be clear Floyd, it's not safe to say. Have a little compassion dude. At least give it a few weeks to blow over. What an interesting situation though. Like if you get locked up for beating your wife shouldn't you be a public advocate against domestic abuse? I feel like you should get in some type of trouble for taking the opposite approach. For instance, If a murderer gets out of prison and his first tweet is about how awesome murder is, you should probably just put him back behind bars. However, this is Pretty Boy Floyd we are talking about. Making fun of Floyd Mayweather is like shooting fish in a barrel. Listen, Floyd has always been a grandiose dick. No secret about that. But after 50 Cent let the world know that Floyd Mayweather can't read (in HILARIOUS fashion) it makes everything he says one million times more arrogant. I don't know about you, but every time Floyd says anything ridiculous now I have the exact same response. I hear that same line from 'Billy Madison' every single fucking time…"Kid can't even reaaad". How about this Floyd? Read me the first three lines of this blog and I will start to take you seriously. I don't even understand how someone lives without the ability to read. Telling someone they can't read is a DEVASTATING insult when you are like 10 years old…Floyd is 37! Even when he was going back and forth with 50 on twitter he was really just telling someone in his crew what to type, right? Best mental image ever. Floyd just SCREAMING at his boy. Or maybe he has one of those things that types the words you say, and gets like 85% of them wrong anyway. He legit can't go anywhere alone. Is there an app that you can point at a word and your phone reads it to you? Is that a thing? Did I just create an app and solve illiteracy in this country? Got to be awful to be friends with Floyd, right? Besides him paying for everything obviously. Absolutely has to be the most inconvenient friend ever. Can't spell shit right in his texts, can't read your texts. Texting with Floyd is like texting with a girl after she left her first frat party. You probably have to read the menu to him at restaurants like a goddamn toddler. You know when you go to a fancy foreign restaurant and have zero idea what it is you are looking at? That's a little glimpse into Floyd's entire life. Anyway Floyd, try not beat anymore women, or advocate doing so. Also, generally speaking, if you have to ask "is that safe to say?"…it's not. Ya gotta feel for Paul George. Tough, tough summer. Goes overseas to represent our country and snaps his leg in half, right through the skin. Brutal to watch. However, a guy that can't even wait until a playoff run is over to plunder his teammates' wife is not whose opinion I am looking for on serious matters. I'm sure there wasn't much schooling going on during your two years at Fresno State, but you should have picked up on the fact that hitting women is wrong, regardless of the situation. Here's what Paul had to say on the Ray Rice situation… I don't even understand what he's talking about. If you hit a woman that is attacking you that's not beating her? Pretty sure it is. However, thats completely irrelevant. I don't know if Paul and I got different copies of the tape, but Ray Rice was 100% the aggressor in the entire situation. When the first video came out I assumed that Janay Rice was flipping the fuck out in that elevator. I was actually shocked when I saw what happened. Ray spit on her twice, and when she made the slightest motion towards him he knocked her into next Tuesday. Has Paul George ever seen a woman lose her mind? That was as mild a confrontation on Janay's side that I could possibly imagine. Oh, and just a little heads up Paul…In case you ever get caught in that situation. Yes, it is still considered 'beating her'. Oh, and 'coo' has an L at the end of it…..asshole.
As an ex-Ray Rice fan it does suck to see what he is going through. He was a model citizen during his years at Rutgers, and I would like to believe that what happened in that elevator was a one time occurrence. Regardless, it still happened, and it's still awful, and he still deserves every punishment he gets because of it. I realize that some of these athletes are trying to stay in his corner, but you don't have to downplay the significance of domestic abuse to do so.
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