Earmuffs! Earmuffs! Hide your kids! Cam Newton is up to the same old antics. You'd think he would straighten up his act after he was widely criticized for teaching the youth of America how to be a poor sportsman by performing a dance move. It appears nothing will get through to this guy. Bullying is the single biggest problem kids face in schools today, and Cam Newton is readily endorsing it?! Doesn't he realize that picking on people can have long term ramifications? Doesn't he know that lightheartedly teasing an official for his stature could lead to depression. Sticks and stones Cam, but please, I beg of you, leave the words out of this. Maybe that referee is insecure about his height. Maybe he cries himself to sleep thinking about all the times he wasn't tall enough to go on a ride at Six Flags. That's a problem that a 6'5, 250 pound quarterback will never be able to relate to. If only he would stop dabbing and blabbing for two seconds and realize that the things he says and does can effect the young, impressionable minds of the next generation. It's almost like he thinks he's just some athlete that is allowed to have some fun with his job. Hasn't anyone told him that he's singlehandedly responsible for the actions of every prepubescent child that has ever watched him play football? Cam Newton should be the one that's forced to sit in timeout. He should be the one serving detentions. After all, he's the person that showing children that it's okay to get a laugh at the expense of another person's feelings. It's time we blow the whistle on people that are taking jabs at professional whistle blowers. Isn't there a hashtag that can solve all this? #CamYouNot? #BullyingIsNotNewton? Something, no, anything, that will help to remind kids that Cam Newton is bad person, that is deserving of only terrible things in life, and is not to be imitated.
Oh yeah, and I am just going to leave this right here...
P.S. The saddest part about this isn't that there are still not-so-subtly racist people out there that actually think this way, it's that I can't genuinely hate the quarterback of a division rival without looking like I am taking their side.
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January 2020