Daily Mail- Women should be able to automatically claim they were raped if they have sex when intoxicated, a controversial report concluded yesterday.
Dame Elish Angiolini called for a legal change so a woman would be considered incapable of consenting if she had been drinking heavily. In her wide-ranging report on rape, the experienced barrister said the Sexual Offences Act should be amended to clarify the law on consent where alcohol is involved. n practice, this would mean imposing an alcohol limit above which women would be considered incapable of consenting. Police would be asked to carry out blood tests on alleged rape victims to establish the level of alcohol in their bodies. They would then calculate how affected she was at the time. If judged to be drunk, the woman would not be regarded as being able to consent to sex. So one minute women are equals that can do anything, and the next minute we need to treat them like they are 14 years old? God forbid they be expected to make a rational decision after a sip of alcohol touches their lips. If this woman wants to imprison every man that has slept with a drunk girl then she better start drawing up the blueprints for a lot more prisons. Does she expect us to sleep with people when we are sober? Outside of those in serious relationships, who does that? Alcohol is the ultimate equalizer. How else are we supposed to get woman to find us interesting enough to go to bed with? Hell, the most common pickup line on the planet is "can I buy you a drink?". Now buying a girl a drink is essentially preemptive rape? Are men supposed to start walking around with breathalyzers in their pocket? Talk about a mood killer. Better safe than sorry I suppose. Wouldn't want to misinterpret a woman saying 'yes' to mean yes. Going out to the bar just became a lot less fun if the only difference between a great night and life ruining night is one tenth of a BAC. Who knows when a woman is going to deem you so much of an accident that the only thing that makes her feel better is stealing your freedom? Doesn't this lady realize that women already have the Ace of Spades in their back pocket. They pretty much have free reign to blame the alcohol whenever they see fit. We don't need it in writing. Saying it out loud only accentuates how ridiculous of a premise it is. It only sheds light on the the mindset of some females. Women crying rape after drunk, consensual sex is like James Harden driving into the lane and flailing after very little contact. It's not in the rule book, but it is going to work most of the time anyway. Making it a law just perpetuates women using rape as an excuse for their stupidity. There's enough legitimate cases of rape going around without acting like it's synonymous with a certain amount of alcohol intake. Quick question, can we create some legislation that frees me from blame when I do dumb, drunken shit? If women aren't responsible for their bodies when they are drunk then I don't think men should be responsible for their words. It's only fair.
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January 2020